Disparity's Factors of Industrial Structure in Grand Economic Zones : DPG Analysis between Capital Area and Local Area

광역경제권에 있어 산업구조의 격차요인 - 수도권과 지방간의 DPG분석을 중심으로 -

Na, Ju-Mong

  • Published : 20081200


Recently, it is widely recognized that the grand economic zones are important for promoting competitive power in the world. The grand economic zones should be implemented with the fundamental understanding for the disparity`s factors in industrial structure. However, the literature shows that there have been relatively few empirical attempts to analyze this issue. This study attempts to reviews the factors of disparity between local area and capital area in the industrial structure observed in grand economic region by applying a DPG(Deviation of Proportional Growth) model to the IO tables of these region. The DPG model defines a measure of the degree of difference in output composition and breaks it down into factors including final demand ones like consumption, investment, export, etc, and a technological factor representing the efficiency of intermediate demand, import. Concerning difference of the industry structure of local area, export demand were the leading factors that boosted local region's growth sectors.



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