Comparative Analysis of Food Habits and Bone Density Risk Factors between Normal and Risk Women Living in the Seoul Area

서울지역 성인여성의 골밀도 정상군.위험군의 식습관과 식품섭취 관련요인의 비교분석

  • Kim, Myung-Suk (Dept of Home Economics, Korea National Open University) ;
  • Koo, Jae-Ok (Dept of Home Economics, Korea National Open University)
  • 김명숙 (한국방송통신대학교 가정학과) ;
  • 구재옥 (한국방송통신대학교 가정학과)
  • Published : 2008.02.29


This study was carried out to compare bone density risk factors affecting women's BMD, and to examine the relationship age, lifestyle and dietary habits for bone health by physical measurement and questionnaires. The subjects of this study were 194 women living in the Seoul area. When the subjects were divided into normal and risk groups, BMD, height, weight, BMI, total body water, soft lean mass, fat free mass, protein, mineral, body-fat of normal group were much higher than those of the risk group. The breakfast eating rate of the normal group was much higher than that of the risk group, walking time was significantly longer and exercise was more (p < 0.05). The normal group had more frequent intakes of tunas, squid, radishes, the green parts of radish, cucumbers, carrots and Iucchinis, tomatoes, and grapes than the risk group (p < 0.01 or p < 0.05). In conclusion, breakfast eating, exercise, intakes of some foods such as anchovies, radishes, carrots, zucchinis and tomatoes were significantly important factor to prevent bone density risk.



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