건강한 모유수유 영아의 성장특성: 대구지역 '2005년 건강한 모유수유아 선발대회' 참가 대상자를 중심으로

Growth Profiles of Breastfed Infants Participating the "Year 2005 Healthy Breastfed Baby Contest"

  • Jang, Gun-Ja (Daegu Polytechnic College) ;
  • Kim, Mi-Ye (College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Suh, Soon-Rim (College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Shin, Yeong-Hee (College of Nursing, Keimyung University) ;
  • Chung, Kwi-Ae (Department of Nursing, Youngnam College of Science & Technology) ;
  • Lee, In-Hae (Department of Nursing, Youngnam College of Science & Technology) ;
  • Kim, Sun-Hee (Head Nurse, Kyungpook National University Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2008.01.31


Despite the 12-year KNA breastfeeding campaign, the declining trend in the national breastfeeding rate has not been significantly reversed. Purpose: This investigation focused on mothers' decision to breastfeed and the physical growth profiles of breastfed infants. Methods: Participants were 146 mothers and their 5-7 months old infants participating the "Year 2005 Healthy Breastfed Baby Contest." Data were collected through interviews with mothers on their breastfeeding practice and assessment of infant growth profiles by the investigators. Results: Concerning breastfeeding practice, 76% of mothers decided to breastfeed even before their pregnancy and 92% intended to breastfeed a year or as long as baby wants and 52% planned to breastfeed solely by self-motivation from reading. The growth profiles of breastfed infants showed that for WAZ (weight-for-age Z-scores), LAZ (length-for-age Z-scores) and HCAZ (head circumference-for-age Z-scores) the breastfed infants were above the WHO percentiles for their age. Conclusion: Considering that the mothers planned to breastfeed even before pregnancy and that the physical growth of the breastfed infants was above WHO standards, the authors recommend that in future campaigns the focus should be on families who plan to have a baby.
