A Study on the Digital Architectural Form expressed on the Movement, Force and Time - focused on the works based on the Deleuze.Guattari's idea of 'Simulacre' -

힘과 움직임 그리고 시간을 표현하는 디지털건축형태에 관한 연구 - 들뢰즈.가타리의 시뮬라크르 사유를 표출하는 사례를 중심으로 -

  • 강훈 (강원대학교 건축학과)
  • Published : 2008.10.25


Since the past, an attempt of figuration which is for movement, time and force has existed constantly. A process of representative from expressed on the movement, time and force creates events, and the process through the events expresses the idea of a simulacre. Furthermore, Architectural works for potentiality to give a demonstration are in common with hybrid characteristics, and have lasting creation of flux architecture. Ignoring the gravity of the floating figuration, so it appears unrealistic hyperphysical virtual space that easily could make the life of creation. For this reason, the form generation based on the digital design method is expressed the important method. In conclusion, actualizing the virtual is the suitable way for 'devenir architecture' based upon the Deleuze Guattari's idea of 'simulacre' and creating the from generation on the contemporary digital architecture design in a similar way.
