Analysis of Older Patients Using a Regional Emergency Center

일 지역응급의료센터의 노인환자 내원율 및 관련특성

  • 이은경 (순천 청암대 간호학과) ;
  • 지은주 (이대목동병원 응급의료센터)
  • Published : 2009.06.30


Purpose: The older population is rapidly increasing and will create the greatest challenge and consume the greatest amount of emergencycenter resources in the near future. It is necessary to prepare measures to meet the needs of older people who visit emergency centers. This study was conducted to provide fundamental data for developing a management strategy for elderly patients. Method: A retrospective study of the medical records of 5,759 elderly patients seen at E medical center from January 1 to December 31, 2007. General and ER (Emergency Room) utilization characteristics were assessed. ER utilization characteristics included the reason, route, time and season of the visit to the ER. Discharge results and length of stay in the ER were also assessed. Results: Women used emergency services more than men. The older the patient was, the higher rate of ambulance service. According to type of transportation to the hospital, those who called 119 showed a higher intensive care admission rate. Conclusion: Chronic disease management of older female patients should be given more consideration when planning care for older patients. Development of triage tools for elderly patients which consider transportation to the ER is also necessary



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