A Study on Public Rental Housing Policies and Rural Housing Projects in Japan

일본의 임대주택제도 및 농촌주택사업에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2009.10.09
  • Accepted : 2009.11.11
  • Published : 2009.11.25


To ensure the revitalization of rural communities with viable levels of population, various agricultural policies are needed. Attaining this goal demands a comprehensive plan to improve rural housing conditions in general, along with more proactive policies dealing with existing rural housing problems by providing public housing options. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a set of base data which can provide direction when proposing prospective housing policies which comply the peculiar and changing needs of rural communities. To establish the base data, the study reviewed all the relevant issues, requirements and resources in the course of developing rural housing regulations and policies. Some municipal organizations have implemented independent housing programs for returning farmers. They provide one-stop service corners to provide returning farmers comprehensive counseling and information about employment, child-rearing and education, housing, and etc. in their municipals. Agricultural housing projects nowadays focus on promoting voluntary establishments of local communities by providing comprehensive plans for public housing, idyllic housing and other interchange facilities. Recent trends on housing project take into consideration both residential areas and their surrounding landscapes at minimum investment possible. The efficient investment of regional housing development lies in the simultaneous consideration on both the construction and operation and management of housing development from beginning to end.



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