A Study on the Characteristics of Urinary Incontinence, Related Problems, and Management in Elderly Women in Nursing Homes

노인요양시설 요실금 여성노인의 요실금 정도, 관련문제 및 관리실태

  • Published : 2009.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of urinary incontinence, related problems and management of urinary incontinence in elderly women in nursing homes. Method: The participants were 293 elderly women with urinary incontinence residing in one of 13 nursing homes in D city. The tools were Hendrickson (1981)'s urinary incontinence situation scale and the Bristol Female Urinary Tract Symptoms Questionnaire developed by Jackson. Results: The frequency of urinary incontinence in elderly women in nursing homes was 45.9%. Problems related to urinary incontinence were odor, psychological problem, ADL. UTI, and skin problems. The most frequent management using the restroom to prevent urinary incontinence. The most frequent management to prevent skin problems was to wash with water. In management with diapers, more than half of the elders used pant-type diapers and urinary incontinence pants which are provided by nursing homes all day, along with help in changing them more than once a day. Conclusion: This study showed that many elderly women in nursing homes experienced urinary incontinence and related problems. Most of them used diapers all day long. Therefore, there is a need to develop more appropriate management methods for elderly women with urinary incontinence in nursing homes.



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