Distribution of dioxins in burning residues of barley straw and soil of farmlands

보리 짚 소각재와 농지 중 다이옥신류 농도 분포

Kim, Yong-Jin

  • Published : 2009.06.30


This study was carried out to determine concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in burning residues of barley straw and soils of farmlands conducted burning of barley straw produced from rice-barley double cropping paddy field. As a result, the concentration in soils of farmlands covered from 5.5 to 218 pg/g (0.57 - 3.42 pg-TEQ/g), and that in residues incinerated covered from 1.64 to 397 pg/g (0.25 - 1.05 pg-TEQ/g). Although this concentration was lower than that of Japan, it would need the systematic and long-term monitoring to decrease the background concentration of pollutants, in particular, PCDDs/DFs, and/thus it could be secured the safe food systems at least.



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