The Study on Path Analysis for Parenting Efficacy of Married Immigrant Women at Multi-Culture Family

다문화 가정 결혼이민자의 양육효능감에 관한 경로분석 연구

  • 김도희 (위덕대학교 사회복지학과) ;
  • 이경은 (경북대학교 보건복지학부)
  • Published : 2009.04.30


Korea society has been focused on the in creasing multi-culture population with the phenomenon of booming foreigner lately. In fact, the foreigner women who are married to korean men are having difficulty with parenting, it also has direct effect on their children. For that reason this study has the purpose on examining for related factors about parenting of the foreigner women who are married to korean men . As a result, frist, there is a correlation relationship with spouse supporting, social support, parenting stress and parenting efficacy. Second, according to path analysis, spouse supporting has direct relationship with social support, parenting stress and parenting efficacy. Also spouse supporting has indirect effect with parenting efficacy. Social support has direct relationship with parenting stress but Social support has indirect relationship with only parenting efficacy. It suggests for spouse supporting program for helping parenting of foreigner women who are married to korean and social supporting has good way to prevent parenting stress rather than parenting efficacy.



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