An Analysis of Resource System for Industrial Heritage based on ndustrialTypology

산업 업종별 산업유산의 자원체계 분석

Kang, Dong-Jin

  • Published : 20090600


Although interests in industrial heritage has recently increased in Korea, many industrial infrastructure established during the modern times are not recognized as industrial heritage and they are demolished or disappeared across the country. The reasons are because industrial heritage has not been recognized as regional assets and social consensus has not been formed in Korea sufficiently to connect them to regional regeneration system. Another reason is analyzed as lack of experiences and practical process for the reuse of industrial heritage. From this aspect, the purposes of this study are divided into three parts: To deduct typology whose industrial infrastructure will be transformed into industrial heritage; To extract potential resources that have industrial heritage value from the corresponding industry; To firmly arrange the relations between potential resources taking the reuse into account. For this purpose, this study will focus on literal study and antecedent analysis in order to select 9 types of typology that have possibility as industrial heritage and then to deduct the potential resources per industry function. Finally, analysis will be made on intrinsic system between the potential resources that are related to reuse of industrial heritage. As the results drawn from this study are based on researcher's field survey and analysis on antecedents, it is expected to occur errors caused by insufficient examination on characteristics of each industry. However, it will contribute to form the grounds to regard the industrial infrastructure established during the modern times as our industrial heritage, and to provide the beginning to extend the full scale of study on ‘Korea's industrial heritage'.



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