Effect of Food Waste Content on Aerobic Stabilization Reaction in MBT System

음식물류 폐기물함량이 MBT시스템과 연계된 호기성 안정화반응에 미치는 영향

Kwon, Sang-Hagk;Ban, Jong-Sub;Phae, Chae-Gun;Kim, Joung-Dae

  • Published : 20090000


This study was carried out to evaluate effect of food waste content on aerobic stabilization reaction in MBT system. The reactor LB-1 contained approximately 70% of the food waste, it showed the wet weight reduction ratio of 35% and The reactor LB-6 contained approximately 20% of the food waste, the wet weight reduction ratio was 17%. In the whole operation period, as a result of integrating the temperature generated in the aerobic stabilization reaction, the reactor LB-1 showed the highest temperature which is 6,820${^{\circ}C}$ and the LB-6 showed 6,102${^{\circ}C}$, which was the lowest among all the operated reactors. The integrated value of the density for carbon dioxide generated during the biodegradation process was 844% for LB-1 and 354% for LB-6. The analysis of CODcr showed that the reduction ratio after the reaction compared with the initial reaction was about 70% for the LB-1 and about 30% for the LB-6. The water soluble TOC also showed a similar result with the CODcr. In result, high content of food waste significantly affected the aerobic stabilization reaction.



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