Effects of full problem based learning of dental education in terms of problem solving process, meta-cognition, and intrinsic motivation

전면 문제중심학습이 치의학교육과정에서 문제해결과정, 메타인지, 내적동기에 미치는 영향

Chang, Kee-Wan

  • Published : 20090300


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of problem based learning in dental education, especially on problem solving process, meta-cognition, and intrinsic motivation at ’C’ University Dental School. The areas of investigated included the following: Does the PBL change the strategy of problem solving process? Does the PBL improve the ability of meta-cognition? Does the PBL change the intrinsic motivation? Methods: The participants of this study were 120 students in experimental group and 175 students in control group. The measurement tools of this study were problem solving process test, meta-cognition test, and intrinsic motivation test by the present researcher. The data was analyzed using ANOVA and General Linear Model(GLM). Results: The major finding of this study were as follows; the experiment group showed better strategies of problem solving process than the control group. The experiment group showed higher level of meta-cognition than the control group and the experiment group showed higher level of intrinsic motivation. Conclusions: On the basis of the findings on this study, the following can be made; problem based learning has positive educational effect compared to didactic learning.



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