Educational UCC Development and Knowledge Creation Strategy in Web 2.0

Web2.0환경의 교육적 UCC 개발과 지식창출방안에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2009.08.23
  • Accepted : 2009.10.30
  • Published : 2009.12.31


The characteristic of Web 2.0 is openness, participation, share, cooperation and creation. The purpose of this article was to identify learner based knowledge creation strategy through UCC in Web 2.0, to develop UCC by university students and to make systematic UCC process. This article suggested knowledge creation strategy with UCC learning Community of Practice(CoP). UCC was developed by 25 students who registered e-learning in "P" university and conducted interview with students and experts to analyze the contents which related with research questions. Systematic process for developing educational UCC was consisted of sectors such as idea creation, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Main developing process steps were as follows: making subject$\rightarrow$seeking information$\rightarrow$selecting data$\rightarrow$designing contents$\rightarrow$making story board$\rightarrow$planning of filming$\rightarrow$filming$\rightarrow$digitalizing$\rightarrow$editing$\rightarrow$reviewing final product$\rightarrow$implementing$\rightarrow$evaluating. For learner based knowledge creation through UCC, educational institutions have to provide platform for learners' need, and learners create diverse ideas with UCC CoP. This article suggested knowledge creation strategy with sharing collective intelligence through process of UCC design, development, implement and evaluation.



Supported by : 동의대학교


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