A Study of the Management Subject and the Park User's Mind forActivating Citizen's Participation in the Seoul Forest Park Management

서울 숲 공원관리참여 활성화를 위한 관리주체와 공원이용객 인식 연구

Kim, Mi-Na;Shim, Jung-Sun;Kim, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Yong-Geun

  • Published : 20090200


This study, based on surveys and interviews of the park users, government officers and volunteer workers regarding the present status and problems of citizen participation at Seoul Forest, the proper solution to activate the management is studied. The results are as follows: First, in the results of the interviews, parks in Seoul were more actively used compared to the parks in other cities. However, it doesn't mean the citizens are participating more but the existing people have continued to participate. Second, the park users, government officers and civil associations all think that the citizen's participation is necessary at Seoul Forest. However, more than half of park users said they will not participate in park management even though they know it is necessary so the survey result showed their selfish trends. Third, people said the most necessary conditions for inducing the citizen's participation was improving the citizen's mind. Citizens think they are owner when they use the park, but they think management is the responsibility of the park control office. So volunteer service workers said that the citizens need to be motivated so they can participate.



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