A study on actual smoking condition, knowledge, attitude and practice related to dental health of Korean soldiers

일부 군인의 흡연 실태와 구강건강지식, 태도 및 실천에 관한 연구

Yoo, Jung-Sook;Kim, Ki-Eun;Kim, Jin

  • Published : 20090900


Objective: This study examined the correlation between smoking and the actual smoking condition, knowledge, attitude and practice on the dental health of Korean soldiers. Methods: The data was collected from a questionnaire given to 144 soldiers at two separate units in Chungcheongbukdo. The data was analyzed statistically using SPSS WIN Ver. 17.0. Results: Soldiers’ dependence on nicotine according to the smoking frequency showed a moderate positive correlation(p<0.001), which meant that themore often they smoked the more they were dependent on nicotine. The respondents who had bad breath and bleeding on the gums had smoked for a relatively long period, Moreover, whether they have bad breath(p<.009) and bleeding gum(p<.002) had positive correlation with how long they had smoked. However, they agreed with the dependency on nicotine(Table 4.). Among the content of the dental health care program that respondents wished to undergo, dental whitening was the most attractive topic(36.9%) and decayed teeth was the most important part in dental health care(41.0%). The correlation coefficient between the dependency on nicotine and practice related to dental health was -0.267. This means that the more they depend on nicotine the less effort they made to improve their dental health(p<.05). Conclusion : The study suggest that antismoking campaigns should be included in military dental health care programs. Furthermore, the development of dental health care programs considering the needs of each military unit is essential for positive practice on dental health care between Korean soldiers.



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