A Study on U-City Service Classification and the Service Framework for the Standardization of U-City Service

U-City 서비스 표준체계 정립과 서비스 분류기준의 설정에 관한 연구

Jeong, Keong-Seok;Moon, Tae-Heon;Heo, Sun-Young

  • Published : 20090600


It is expected that the rapid progress to ubiquitous society can develop diverse U-City services and improve the quality of our lives. However, the economic and efficient development of U-City is becoming more difficult owing to the redundant investment by local governments and lack of linkage among U-City services. This is due to the absence of standard models of U-City services. Thus, it is required to prepare urgently the U-City service standard for the prevention of further confusion and systematic development of U-City. From this background, this research re-defined the concept of U-City service, U-City service standard, U-City service classification and proposed methodology of U-City service standardization. As a result, this research is quite distinct from the existing researches in that it realizes the flexibility to classify service in multi-dimensional standards by diverse classification standards. However, service standardization should be supplemented in some parts. U-City technology and infra standard should be explored and combined with service standard classification.



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