Effects of problem-based learning on learning motivation, self-directed learning capabilities in dental hygiene students education

치위생 교육과정의 문제중심학습이 학습동기와 자기주도학습력에 미치는 영향

Kim, Seol-Hee;Kim, Dong-Kie

  • Published : 20090300


Objectives: This study was the application and development of problem-based learning(PBL) program designed for dental hygiene education. The purpose of study was to compared with the PBL group to the direct instruction group in the areas of motivation to learn and self-directed learning. Method: For this study, we sampled 61 dental hygiene students. This study group was composed of 33 students in a PBL program and 28 students enrolled in a direct instruction group; all students were enrolled at the Dept of Dental Hygiene, C college. The period of this study was 2 semester(from March, 2007 to December, 2007). To identify the effect of PBL on learning motivation, self-directed learning capabilities, we used a t-test, paired t-test, and General Linear Models (GLM). Result: The results of this study are as follows: 1. PBL group had higher learning motivation than direct instruction group(P<.05). and as a result of the GLM. it was found that there was a significant difference in learning motivation between the two groups and a statistically significant difference in sub-variables such as attention, relevance and confidence (P<.05). 2. PBL group had higher self-directed learning capabilities rather than direct instruction group(P<.05) Conclusions: Problem based learning(PBL) for dental hygiene students education was more effective in learning attitude, learning motivation and self-directed learning. Therefore this study suggest that PBL contribute to enhancing learning effect through self-directed learning.



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