A Study on the Zero-Emission City Policies of Local Government in Low-Carbon Society

저탄소사회를 향한 지방정부의 탄소제로도시 정책 연구

Kim, Hong-Joo

  • Published : 20090600


The international society on climatic change is undergoing the negotiation on climatic change system (post 2012). In this regard, Korea also is demanded to transform high carbon emission city to low carbon emission city to cope with climatic change. Therefore, this research has the purpose to evaluate the present conditions of local government policies and to propose desirable direction to convert to low carbon emission city. To that end, the research conducted questionnaire survey with local governments and academic community experts related to climatic change, and the results of survey on climatic change recognition and policy demands can be summarized as follows: First, all the municipal organizations are strongly recognizing the necessity to reduce carbon dioxide emission amount to cope with climatic change. The most desirable goal for emission amount reduction was shown 10 to 20% for 2020 compared to 2005. When government sets up the goal for reduction at national level, the level of goal considering the capacity of current local government needs be reflected. Second, there is a recognition that new city models are required to realize low carbon emission city. To that end, municipal organizations are focusing on consumer campaign for expansion of new and renewable energy installation, green area organizing, eco-system restoration, energy saving and green purchase promotion to reduce carbon dioxide emission. Third, when the elements of plan for low carbon city organizing are divided into energy, transportation, ecology, resource and city, the direction in the highest priority is the realization of policy in transportation and energy sector. Fourth, as for usage areas to which plan elements can be applied, each plan element, energy, transportation, ecology, resource and city, showed differences, and specifically energy sector requires consideration on factory complex and public building for cost, time and technology ; transportation on commercial zone and apartment area where traffic inducements are high ; ecology on apartment ; and city on commercial zone. Fifth is the role of local government and national government to realize the policies. While national government determines macroscopic directions and supports on incentives, subsidies and institutional issues, local governments which are specific entity of realization shall realize specific projects like conversion of building energy to new and renewable energy, conversion of transportation system or green area organizing etc.



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