Magnetic Methods for Determining the Monodispersity of Ferrofluids

Yoon, Sung-Hyun

  • Published : 20090100


Methods of determining the particle sizes and the distribution of particle sizes in a nanoparticle ferrofluid through magnetic measurements are described. For these measurements, a water-based magnetite ferrofluid was prepared by using the chemical co-precipitation method. A direct morphological study using TEM showed that the nominal radius of the particles was 6 nm with some distribution width. The DC magnetization curve at room temperature was shown to be superpara-magnetic, in good aggreement with the theoretical curve calculated for a particle size distribution with an average radius of 5.45 nm and a distribution width of 3.8 nm. The frequency dependence of the complex susceptibility, $\chi(\omega)$, of the ferrofluid was measured by using the slit-toroid technique. The sample exhibited a frequency response due to N$\'{e}$el's rotational relaxation, from which an estimate of particle size was made. Effects of inter-particle interaction was examined through the dilution experiments. All the particle sizes and distributions were obtained by introducing an improved model distribution function.



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