A study on the job stress and job satisfaction of the dental hygienists working in dental clinics or dental hospitals in Seoul and the Gyeongnam region

서울과 경남지역 치과 병 . 의원에 근무하는 치과위생사의 직무스트레스 및 직무만족도에 관한 연구

Park, Jeong-Ran;Lee, Youn-Kyoung

  • Published : 20090600


Objectives: This research was performed in order to compare and examine the job stress and job satisfaction among urban and local dental hospital/clinic hygienists to determine methods for raising the job satisfaction of dental hygienists by investigating and studying the factors that affect the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. Methods: The researcher personally visited dental hospitals/clinics and explained the purpose of this research to the dental hygienists who worked in dental hospitals/clinics in Seoul and the Gyeongnam area. This examination was done through surveys that were filled out by the consenting dental hygienists. Results: The job stress that was due to interactions with patients and was felt by the Gyeongnam region dental hygienists was found to be higher than that felt by the dental hygienists in Seoul. It was also found that the higher the job satisfaction was, the less was the stress due to low remuneration, and when the autonomy satisfaction was greater, the business-related stress was less. The remuneration compensation stress and job stress of the dental hygienists working in Seoul who regarded themselves as professionals were found to be higher, and the dental hygienists who had a higher degree of emotional satisfaction were found to have smoother relationships with their colleagues. Conclusion: In order to lower the job stress and heighten the job satisfaction of the dental hygienists who work in local regions, such things as establishing an appropriate remuneration system and ensuring the autonomy of dental hygienist as they carry out their job responsibilities are necessary, and continued in-depth training for them should also be seriously considered. (ED note: that sounds a world better now!.



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