A Study on the Situation Factor related to Consumer Involvement of Seafood

수산물 관여도에 따른 상황요인에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2009.09.28
  • Accepted : 2009.12.02
  • Published : 2009.12.31


In order to deal with consumer's demand changes in market condition, it is necessary to have a study on the consumer behavior to promote seafood consumption. The objective of this study is to examine the factors that have influences on consumer involvement of seafood. It is also aim to examine how the situation of seafood factors influences the consumer's behavior in purchasing and consuming the seafood. In this study, I have conducted a survey by using Busan housewives as random sampling. To examine this variable, situation factors that I used if the factor analysis. I also performed a multiple regression analysis to understand how the situation factors influenced the consumer's emotion and their satisfaction within the level of involvement. The result showed that consumer involvement seafood is created by not only interests and preferences, but also knowledge, perceived risk and profits. The seafood situation factors are divided into purchase situation, consumption situation and communication situation: purchase situation includes store factor, while consumption situation includes health factor and cooking-motive factor and communication situation includes information factor. Results of examining whether there are differences in the involvement explains that the involvement is different according to the level and it is divided into 2 groups. The first groups is the high-involvement group that shows preferences and interests, perceived risk and profits. Another group is the low-involvement group that shows preferences and interests, knowledge and profits. The result on examining whether situation sectors have influences on the involvement shows that high-involvement group is only affected by store factor in purchase situation and low-involvement group is only affected by information factor in communication situation.



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