The 5th year appraisal for effectiveness of school-based oral health program in Daegu, Korea

대구광역시 일부초등학교 구강보건실 운영 5년차 효과평가

Park, Ji-Hye;Ahn, Sang-Hun;Jeong, Seong-Hwa;Choi, Youn-Hee;Song, Keun-Bae

  • Published : 20090600


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long term effect of school-based oral health program on decrease of dental caries among elementary school children. Methods: The subjects of this study were total 994 students of two(one case and the other control) elementary school in Deagu, Korea. They had received school-based oral health programs more than one year since 2004. This school-based oral health program included regular oral examination, fluoride mouthrinsing, pit-and-fissure sealing, APF gel application, tooth brushing instruction and chewing the xylitol tablet. The subjects’ oral health status were examined by calibrated a dentist every year from 2004 to 2008. Results: The change of DMFT index of $1^{st}$ grade to $6^{th}$ grade experimental group was 0.00, 0.10, 0.40, 0.44, 0.58 and 0.86 respectively. It was significantly different except $3^{th}$ grade when it compare with control group. The prevention rate of permanent teeth of $1^{st}$ grade to $6^{th}$ grade case group was 100.0%, 77.8%, 35.5%, 66.4%, 44.2% and 50.9% respectively and the mean was 60.8%. Conclusions: This study partially showed effect of school-based oral health programs including xylitol tablet application on decrements of dental caries. This programs should be expanded widely among elementary school in Korea.



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