A Study on Actual Condition Analysis of Open Space in Residential Complex

공동주택 단지내 외부공간의 실태분석에 관한 연구

Park, Soo-Hwa;Lee, Won-Geun

  • Published : 20091200


There are considerable changes to the residential environment due to the advent of a mature society to improve the quality of life and the standard of incomes. The type of market has been converted from the supply to the demand in regards of the existing housing market and intensified the competitive edge in Brand marketing strategy so called "Specialized Apartment" as the sole way for the successful marketing in the differentiated housing market. Moreover, the differentiation for the open outdoor space has been much intensified under the pretext of "Specialized Apartment", however, the present apartment complexes have been constructed by being exempted from the opinion of the tenants who avail of the open space and it has been revealed by the doubts about the satisfaction of using its open space from the actual residents in the real circumstances. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the satisfaction of open space in residential complex through the medium of questionnaire and on-the-spot survey with selected locations of an apartment complex classified by a brand name, and to produce the data referred to the design of open space in apartment complex henceforward.



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