지방공무원의 이직의도 영향요인에 관한 연구: 기능적, 금전적, 연대적 선호

Yang, Seung-Beom

  • Published : 20090900


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of functional, pecuniary, and solidary preferences on turnover intention among Korean local government employees. This study was conducted by surveying city government employees in the Seoul Metropolitan area. OIS multiple regression analysis was employed to examine the determinants of turnover intention. As results, this study found that functional preferences was significantly related to turnover intention of Korean local government employees. Specifically, job involvement was a significant determinant of turnover intention. The key finding of this research is consistent with prior work that functional preferences is an important variable that explains bureaucratic turnover intention. Some of the managerial implications and policy recommendations are discussed in the study.



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