A Study on the Development of City Creativity Index for Urban Regeneration Strategies : Focusing on Seoul and Six Largest Cities

도시재생전략 수립을 위한 도시의 창조성 지수개발에 관한 연구 - 서울 및 6대 광역시를 중심으로 -

Kim, Young-In;Yuh, Hong-Koo

  • Published : 20090400


This study is to evaluate the creativity of seven metropolitan cities in Korea and to propose the City Creativity Index for Urban Regeneration. Building a high-rise apartment like 'New-town development' is not the only way to regenerate old cities. Enterprises, cultural facilities and industries have a ripple effect on the old city such as making jobs, creating economic and cultural value, attracting more creative talent and revitalizing community. Preceding research suggested that creative cities have a relationship between growth of industry and culture. The City Creativity Index is also composed of two sections, industrial growth and cultural improvement. Each section classifies the requisites into three indicators, Creative infrastructure, Creative human resources and Creative strategies. To increase the creativity in the city and to achieve urban regeneration, communities should try to improve weak indicators of their own.



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