Study on the Solving Conflicts between Fishing Village Community and Residents in using Community Fishing Ground

마을어장 이용에 따른 어촌계와 주민간의 갈등 해소 방안 연구

  • Received : 2009.07.08
  • Accepted : 2009.09.26
  • Published : 2009.12.31


On the conflict factors in using community fishing ground and their solutions, some conclusions are derived with the survey for fishing villages, residents, tourists as follows: Jeju Island has beautiful sceneries with seas in all the directions and so remarkable potential as personal experience fishing village. For sustainable development of ecological tourism in each fishing village, systematic, long-term development plans and management systems through decision making with residents in fishing and non-fishing villages are demanded. For tourist development of fishing village, protection management systems for marine and swampy land are needed first of all. Next, economical profit and the participation of resident have first priority, and also individual standards for each village are urgently prepared based on the results of basic research on each village. Finally, educations on environment and fishing village with professional tourist guide are needed. Ecological protection, environmental education, resident participation, local government's concern, and financial support could solve residential conflicts and make Jeju Island a Mecca of local fishing village tourism.



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