A Study on the 'Theme Cluster Method' for the Development of Regional Specialization Under the Block Grants System

포괄보조금 제도하의 지역특화 발전을 위한 '테마클러스터형 지역개발 방식'에 대한 소고

  • Lee, Seok-Ju (Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Corporation) ;
  • Yun, Sang-Hun (Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Corporation)
  • 이석주 (한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원) ;
  • 윤상헌 (한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원)
  • Published : 2009.12.30


The regional development methods, which had carried out in the rural area had many legal and systematic problems in establishing plans for the region itself, and in finding and practicing various business. Recently, new government revised the budget system and introduced the block grants system to overcome this limitation. Due to this, plans and enforcements of subsequent rural development projects are expected be a significant change. The study suggests the 'theme cluster development' method for accomplishing the regional specialization and competitiveness and examines the procedure of application in practice through the regional development plan of Sunchang-gun, Jeonbuk province.



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