Job Analysis of School Foodservice Officials in City, Province and District Offices of Education

시.도 및 지역교육청 학교급식 업무 담당자의 직무분석

  • Published : 2009.02.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze roles and duties of officials in charge of school foodservice in city, province and district 'Offices of Education'. For this purpose, the list of roles/duties of officials was developed through in-depth interviews, content analysis, and delphi technique. The list which includes 56 duty items in 8 dimensions was used for developing a questionnaire. A total of 282 questionnaires from 102 Offices of Education were used for the analysis. The school foodservice officials regarded 'budget management', 'facilities & labor management', 'developing long-term plan', and 'inspection & evaluation' as important. 'Education and research' and ‘management of nutrition, diet, and food materials' showed higher level of importance and need for support compared to its frequencies of work. There was no significant difference among city, provincial, and district Offices of Education on the levels of importance for each area/category. However, 'Officials in the District Offices of Education' needed more support in the area/category of 'facility & labor management'(p < .01). In addition, there was a significant difference between actual and ideal proportion of work in 'education & research'(p < .001), 'management of nutrition, diet and food'(p < .01), 'other supports for school foodservice'(p < .05) amongst the officials in 'City & Province Offices of Education'. For 'officials in the District Offices of Education', actual and ideal proportion of work was different in 'planning & coordination'(p < .01), 'school foodservice program management'(p < .001), 'education & research' (p < .001), 'management of nutrition, diet and food materials'(p < .001), and 'budget management'(p < .001). The results of this study showed that the areas of 'budget management', 'facility & labor management', and 'developing long-term plan', inspection & evaluation' needed more support for 'City & Province Offices of Education'. 'Officials in the District Offices of Education' also needed more support in the areas of 'budget management' and 'facility & labor management'.



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