A Study on the Repairs of School Uniforms according to Adolescents' Expressive Desires

청소년들의 표현 욕구에 따른 교복수선 행태조사

  • Choe, Ok-Hui (Technology & Home Economics Education, Chosun University) ;
  • Jung, Ok-Im (Department of Home Economics, Chosun University)
  • Published : 2009.11.01


The main purpose of this study was to speculate how psychological state of adolescent students has changed their school uniform style. For the study, the distinctive characteristics during adolescence stage were theoretically examined. Through the examination, this study found four interests in fashions and school uniforms. For the purpose, this study conducted interviews with grade 2 students in a total of six coeducation secondary schools in Seoul, Gyeongki and Gwangju using a questionnaire. The survey period ranged from December 15 2008 to December 24 2008 and a total of 1196 were used for a final analysis. This study extracted factors as Principal Components Analysis and used Varimax for orthogonal rotation analysis. To measure confidence, it used Cronbach's a test to item internal consistency. For data analysis, it used SPSS WIN 12.0 and for hypothesis analysis, frequency analysis, cross analysis, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA were conducted. For posterior analysis, it used Sheffe test. The results are as follows: First, the interests in fashion and school uniforms differed depending on their own tastes, but these interests were more influenced by environment around school. Secondly, the boy subjects were more aggressive towards repairs their uniforms than the girls, which suggested that boys had stronger desire to show themselves to others and more satisfaction from repairs their uniforms than the girls. Based on the results, this study concluded as follows: We should pay attention to preventing deformation in original design of school uniforms while expanding options to have variable designs or to change detailed part of design. So, there will be no additional uniform mending expense and financial loss to parents, and students will be more satisfied with their school uniforms.



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