A Study on the Selection of Alternatives for Flight Attendants to Adapt Flying Conditions using the Analytic Hierarchy Process

AHP를 이용한 공중승무원 비행환경 적응장비 획득방안 선정에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2009.08.05


The purpose of this study is propose an alternative for flight attendants to acquire equipment that could enhance the ability to adapt in flying conditions. Introducing and acquiring weapon system, such equipments should be deeply considered in multilateral aspects; reinforcements in the overall strategic status in the army, the ramifications that can contribute to military resources, and economic situations in the country. To do this, we first induced several criteria that can be used for evaluating alternatives. After that, we applied the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) approach to putting all factors into considerations in decision making for equipment acquirement. The results of this study are expected to have usefulness in formulating strategies and policies in selecting equipment acquisition alternatives for flight attendants.



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