Design of Architecture for Collaborative Project Management System based on Business Process

프로세스 기반의 협업 프로젝트 관리 시스템 구조 설계

  • Published : 2009.10.30


c-PMS(collaborative project management system) is a business process(BP) based tool to manage collaborative projects which accomplish common business objectives determined by mutual agreement of companies using limited resources and time. This study analyzes collaborative BP, collaborative projects, and their relation, and proposes the architecture and operation scenario of c-PMS consisted of business process asset management(BPAM) sub-system and project manage(PM) sub-system. BPAM sub-system models private and public BP using a client/server based modeler, defines collaborative BPs process from public BPs, and manages them as companies' asset on a web portal. PM sub-system globally manages collaborative project using planning, execution, monitoring, and analyzing functions.



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