A New Yellow Waxy Corn Hybrid with High Yield "Daehakchal Gold 1" for Edible

  • Received : 2009.06.01
  • Published : 20090900


A new yellow waxy corn hybrid "Daehakchal Gold 1" was developed from single cross between Yeongdeok Jaera and Okchen Jaera at Chungnam National University in 2007. Inbred CNU57 derived from Yeongdeok Jaera was used as the seed parent of Daehakchal Gold 1, and inbred CNU 27 derived from Okchen Jaera as the pollen parent. Tasseling date of this hybrid was seven day later than that of check hybrid, Chalok 1. Daehakchal Gold 1 was 19.7cm in ear length and 4.5cm in ear diameter. The yield of Daehakchal Gold 1 and check hybrid in dry matter were 146.5g and 113.9g per plant, respectively. On yield trial, which were increased 29.7% compared with a check hybrid, Chalok 1. Especially, Daehakchal Gold 1 had yellow kernels and good eating quality. The ratio of kernel set length/ear length was similar to Chalok 1. It is moderately resistant to Bioporalis maydis and corn borer. The yields of Daehakchal Gold 1 in fresh ear weight and in number of fresh ear were 16% and 8%, respectively, higher than those of a check hybrid in regional yield trials for three years. Seed production of this hybrid has gone well due to good match during crossing between seed and pollen parents.



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