The Differences of Stressors at Grade and Ways of Coping in Nursing Students

간호학과 학생들의 학년별 스트레스원의 차이와 대처방식

Goh, Jin-Kyung

  • Published : 20101200


The purpose of this study was to identify the differences of stressors and perceived stress level at grade and ways of coping in nursing students. The subjects of this study were 381 nursing students from two universities in Daejeon. There was no differences of stress level at grade and the common stress area at grade was college life. Viewed from each of the categories of stressor which nursing students experience during clinical practice, the deficiency of nursing skills and knowledge was the main stressor and communication amount and depth also affect their perceived stress. In the stress area the self, the concern of self-identity was increased as the grade was developed. Those who perceived stress level high showed to use the emotional oriented coping. Effective stress management program considering various influencing factors shall be developed to reduce stress.



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