A Study on the Energy Policy Guidelines for Korean Cities Based on Energy Consumption Characteristics

에너지 소비특성에 따른 도시유형별 정책방향 연구

NamKoong, Kun;Choi, Byung-Sun;Won, Mi-Yeon

  • Published : 20100200


Energy consumption is one of the most critical issue throughout the world in these days in terms of sustainable environment and economy. Thus, many countries including Korea have been making every efforts to overcome the possible future energy crisis. The purpose of this study is to provide policy guidelines for reducing energy consumption of korean cities where about 75% of total energy is consumed. As the analytical tools two statistical methods were used ; factor analysis and cluster analysis. From the factor analysis four factors such as urban, industry, transportation and income factor showing more than 1.0 of Eigen Value were revealed to be meaningful. Using factor values of each city, cluster analysis was carried out. As the result 8 clusters out of 84 cities were seemed to be most effective for providing policy guidelines. Finally, the characteristics of each cluster were investigated in relation with the national energy policy of Korea and based on this the policy guidelines for each cluster of cities were established.



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