A Study on a Fraction Instruction via Partitioning and Iterating Operations

분할과 반복 조작을 통한 분수지도 탐구

  • Received : 2010.07.15
  • Accepted : 2010.09.11
  • Published : 2010.09.30


The fractional concept consists of various meaning, so that it is difficult to understand in primary school mathematics. In this article, we intend to analyze the cognition of 54 pre-service elementary teachers about the operations of partitioning and iterating that are based on Steffe's fraction schemes. The following fraction problem is used in this analysis: If the bar $\Box$ represent 3/8, then create a bar that is equivalent to 4/3. In our analysis, the 43% of pre-service elementary teachers can be well to treat the operations of partitioning and iteration. The 33% are use the equivalent fractions. But the 19% is not good. From the our analysis, it is important that pre-service elementary teachers must be have experimental(operational) thinking as the science education. And in this study we apply the operations of partitioning and iterating to the fraction activity of textbooks.

이 연구는 Steffe의 분수 조작과 스킴의 바탕이 되는 분할 및 반복과 관련된 예비 초등교사가 지니고 있는 개념 인식도를 분석하고 이를 통해 약간의 교육적 시사점을 얻고, 분할과 반복의 방법이 사용될 수 있는 실제적인 응용의 일환으로, 나누는 수가 분수인 분수 나눗셈과 관련된 초등 수학교과서 내용을 재구성하는 예시를 제공하고자 한다.
