$CO_2$ Emission Variation Estimation Method on Development Site Level and Its Application

개발대상지의 이산화탄소 배출 변화량 산정방법 개발 및 적용

  • 이동근 (서울대학교 조경지역시스템공학부) ;
  • 박찬 (서울대학교 환경대학원 협동과정조경학)
  • Received : 2010.10.18
  • Accepted : 2010.11.18
  • Published : 2010.11.30


Due to the crisis of climate change and low carbon, green growth policy, many local governments in Korea are making action plans to reduce Carbon dioxide. Among those action plans, low carbon development is under active discussion, internally and externally, to minimize the impact caused by the development. However, if we look into the series of recent cases of development in Korea, they simply suggest the $CO_2$ reduction goal and establishing energy plan and spatial plan without going through systematical processes, such as, analyzing greenhouse gas emission and possible reduction, setting a goal for greenhouse gas reduction, and establishing countermeasures. The goal of this study is to develop a methodology, which can estimate the carbon emission that was caused by urban development, and analyze possible reduction. The result of this study is expected to serve as an environmental friendly $CO_2$ emission mitigation planning guidance in development planning processes. The modeling methods and results for a small development site are discussed in the paper.



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