Impacts of Human Factors on the Placeness in the Hongik University Area

홍대지역의 장소성 형성에 있어서 인적요인의 영향에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2010.07.22
  • Accepted : 2010.10.14
  • Published : 2010.12.31


Placeness has been considered one of the major research themes in urban design as well as real estate development and geography. For the making of places, it is important to understand the factors which affect the formation of placeness. Previous studies on the perception have mostly focused on the physical aspects only. This study extend the interests to the human factor on the placeness in depth. For analysing the factor for placeness, it includes not only physical factors and active element from previous studies but also human factors. With the survey on the Hongik University are in Seoul which is considered the young cultural center of the city, this study find the human role in the formation of placeness. First, facilities and people who mainly use them exercise their influence over placeness in the same time. Second, placeness on the certain place are strongly related with the characteristics of people in the area. Third, one group contribute placeness in some extent and enjoy the feeling, another mostly feels the conception, and the other may not care of the perception, although the cluber strongly affects the placeness in the study area but not feels it in intense.



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