Retirement Migration Factors of Baby Boom Generation and Implication of Housing Policy

베이비붐 세대의 은퇴이주요인과 주택정책의 함의

  • 서수복 (초당대학교 부동산학과)
  • Received : 2010.08.04
  • Accepted : 2010.09.13
  • Published : 2010.10.31


For the retirement age is emerging, retirement migration issue of baby boom generation who is raised transcendentally statistically and relation researches are inspected. In addition, the cause-and-effect relation between residential migration factors and intention is set and analyzed as structural equation modeling(SEM). Through the analysis, whether the retirement migration is leaded by economically weak class as precedent study and policy implication for residential stability of baby boom generation is concluded as foundation of relation between residential migration factors and intention of retirement migration. The retirement migration of baby boom generation is analyzed to be leaded by middle or rich class rather than economically weak class. Satisfaction with the present living should be improved by expending safety facilities and supplementing community for residential stability. Housing markets need to recognize different sub-markets targeting baby boom generation and to be established the housing policy.



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