Water Quality Modeling of Youngju Dam Reservoir by HSPF, EFDC and WASP

HSPF, EFDC 및 WASP에 의한 영주다목적댐 저수지의 수질예측

  • Received : 2010.06.16
  • Accepted : 2010.09.29
  • Published : 2010.10.31


This study was carried out to investigate the effect of EFDC hydrodynamic result on the WASP7.3 water quality modeling result in accordance with the change of number of grid for the dam reservoir to be constructed. The simulated flow and BOD, T-N and T-P loads by the HSPF watershed model was used for boundary conditions and the hydrodynamic modeling results was linked with WASP model to predict future water quality after dam construction. The scenarios for EFDC modeling were composed of Scenario 1(141 grid cells) and Scenario 2(568 grid cells). The results of Scenario 2 showed that BOD, T-N, T-P and Chl-a concentrations were decreased 0.073mg/L(8.5%), 0.032mg/L(2.6%), 0.003mg/L(6.8%), 0.644mg/L(4.2%) compared with those of Scenario 1, respectively. As number of grid cell increased, water quality concentrations were decreased and also it caused the longer running time. Therefore, this study suggests that the consideration of the geometry of water body is more important than the number of grid cells for the prediction of water quality of a dam reservoir in EIA.



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