The Effects of Family Stress and Resilience on Social Problem Solving Ability of Middle Age

중년기의 가족스트레스 및 가족탄력성이 사회적 문제해결능력에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2011.04.30


This study focuses on the influence of family stress and family resilience of those in middle age on social problem solving ability. The study included a sample of 298 people in their forties and fifties who live in or near Seoul. A detailed analysis of references was carried out, using SPSS12.0 Windows program, with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The major conclusions of this study were as follows: First, the general trend of family stress, family resilience, and social problem solving ability of the sampled people turned out to be higher than average. Second, the study into family stress, family resilience and social problem solving ability within various groups showed great differences according to certain factors including whether they had partners or not, family relations and family income, which lead to the importance of structural and relational elements as well as social and economical elements. Third, on the background factors and the influence of family stress and family resilience on social problem solving ability, the satisfaction in the relationship between couples, family income and role stability, open emotional expression and collaborative problem solving influence on social problem solving ability as final factors, the most powerful factor was an open attitude in emotional expression. To summaries the result of this study, even if family stress exists above a certain degree, if the family functions healthily with a high degree of resilience, this stress can be overcome, and thus family resilience is seen to be a powerful influential factor in social problem solving ability.



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