Effects of the perception of successful aging and preparing for their old age in middle age on the behavior for preparing their old age

중년기의 성공적 노후생활에 대한 인식 및 노후생활준비의식이 노후생활준비행동에 미치는 영향

  • Bae, Moon-Jo (Kyungpook National University, Center for Beautiful Aging)
  • 배문조 (경북대학교, 장수생활과학연구소)
  • Published : 2011.04.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of perception of successful aging and preparing for their old age in middle age on the behavior for preparing their old age. For the study, data were collected from 44l middle age people across Daegu and Kyungpook. The result of the revealed that the perception of successful aging were significant differences in gender, age, educational level, occupation, and income. In other ward, the perception of successful aging was higher when subjects were women, high income group, and forties. On the other hand, the awareness and behavior of preparation for their old age was higher when subjects were women. Lastly, the behavior of preparing for their old age increased as get old, had higher income, thought productivity and awareness spare time preparation.



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