Ecotourism in Jiri mountain region: Strategies and problems for sustainable tourism development

지리산권의 지속가능한 생태관광 전략과 과제

  • Seo, Chung-Ho (Jirisan Region Cultural Research Institute, Sunchon National University)
  • 서정호 (순천대학교 지리산권문화연구원)
  • Published : 2011.06.30


The term ecotourism is to enjoy the journey into the natural areas that are relatively unspoiled and to watch the cultural heritage and landscapes as well as wildlife. In the 1990s by the spreading awareness of environmental conservation and income-generating for local residents to sustain development in the region, the ecotourism has been emerged as one of the alternative. Meanwhile, the Jiri mountain region has the location for the ecotourism but it needs to set the direction for execution and tasks to solve. Therefore the study is to give strategies and solve the problems of the eco-tourism of Jiri mountain region by the literature review and field inspection. As a result, we have set the specialty product, public discussion of guideline and ethics in eco-tourism, calculating and applying the optimal demand indicator chart to strategize the sustainable environment of ecotourism. If the strategy and the proposed problems are resolved through this study then the sustainable ecotourism in the Jiri mountain region is hopeful. In addition, setting the tourism indicator utilizing the Human, Nature and Tourism as well as the thoughts of successful ecotourism should be followed by each tourism subject.



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