Image Scale Development of Rural Tourism-village

농촌관광(農村觀光)마을 이미지 측정척도(測定尺度)(SRTI) 개발(開發)

  • Published : 2011.12.30


The purpose of this study is to develop the scale for rural tourism village image by measuring consumption behavior patterns of the tourists who come to visit rural tourism villages. And to verify usability of the developed scale by applying this scale in the rural tourism-village of rural tourism satisfaction and by measuring the degree to which tourists come to the same village for a revisit. This study is largely classified into two parts; first, the development of the scale and second, the direct application of the developed scale to measure rural tourism village image. The first part consisted of researching previous studies on the tourism destination image and the image of rural tourism-village, and developing the scale based on the analysis of collected data on actual rural tourists's consumption.



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