A Study on the Utilization Status of Community Living Facilities in Rural Area

농어촌지역 공동생활시설 이용실태 고찰

  • Published : 2011.11.25


The housing environment of the weak class in rural area is inferior, the elderly ratio is high, and senior citizens whose living by themselves are increasing. This study was to analyze the actual conditions of utilization status, characterization of residency, management method of the federation of construction associate's love house and local government's case, and usage of the village hall. For better study, we reviewed the literatures and conducted field surveys. The purpose of this study is to suggest a development plan of rural community living homes. The results of this study were as follows; First, it is important for proper site of rural community living home plans to select adjacent location in the surrounding medical and welfare facilities(including community facilities). Second, the living space for one person does not need such a space; about $33m^2$ is suitable. Third, it is important to use surplus area to make kitchen garden in the site planning. Also the architectural plans must be considered to minimize the maintenance costs for the sustainability of the house and winter heating expense problem.



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