Polymorphisms in GSTM1, GSTTI and GSTP1 and Nasopharyngeal Cancer in the East of China: a Case-control Study

Yan, Jiang;Na, Li;Pin, Dong;Niankai, Zhang;Yan, Sun;Min, Han;Junfeng, Wen;Min, Chen

  • Published : 20111100


Aim: The study was performed to assess the potential role of GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1 polymorphisms in the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer in Chinese population. Method: We collected 182 cases undergoing pathologic examination and 366 controls from the affiliated hospital of Medical College of Qingdao University from April 2006 to July 2010. Genotyping was based upon duplex polymerase-chain-reactions with the PCR-CTPP method. Results: More smokers were found in NPC patients than controls, and a higher IgA/VCA+ . Individuals carrying null GSTM1 and GSTT1 had 1.76 and 2.01 fold risk of NPC when compared with non-null genotypes, respectively. A non-significant increase risk of NPC was found in individuals with 1b/1b genotype when compared with 1a/1a genotype (OR=1.32, 95%CI=0.60-2.94). When compared with non-null GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes, the combination of null/null GSTM1 and GSTT1 genotypes showed moderate increased risk of NPC (OR=3.03, 95% CI=1.74-5.08). Conclusion: Our study provides evidence that genetic deletion of GSTM1 and GSTT1 may contribute to increased susceptibility to NPC in Chinese population, while GSTP1 may not. Our findings provide information relevant to the prevention of NPC.



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