The oral health behaviors and knowledges of some foreign workers

일부 외국인 근로자의 구강보건행태 및 지식

  • 신선행 (삼육보건대학 치위생과)
  • Published : 2011.12.30


Objectives. This study was conducted to estimate the factors influencing the oral healthcare in the foreign workers and to provide the baseline data for managing foreign workers' oral health efficiently. Methods. We recruited 249 foreign workers (male: 92, female: 157) in dental service center operated for foreign workers by dental team in Seoul Sahmyook English Acamedy and Ansan city from Sep. 20, 2010 to Aug. 15, 2011. Data on general characteristics, oral health behavior, knowledge of oral health were collected by a questionnaire interview. Results. Most respondents in dental service center came from China and Philippines. And the respondents' general characteristics compositions are like this: in age over 30's are 71.5% and female is 63.1%, graduated from higher college is 50.2%. It showed their stay period in Korea is lower than three years mostly. And their job areas in Korea are education missionary, manufacturing construction, and household helping caregiver. Age, job, stay period, nationality were proved as a significant factors related with the brushing behaviors, oral health education in foreign worker. It was higher oral health behaviors and oral health knowledges in more education level. It was statistically significant. Conclusions. This study shows in order to improve oral health care for foreign workers, it is required to recognition and practice about individual oral health. In addition, it is need to financial and infrastructural support by government, private secrtors and academies as well as expanding medicare services for foreign workers and getting oral health care center in industry.



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