Effect of Cooling Season Energy Saving Potentials with Blind and Dimming Control Strategies in a Research Building

블라인드와 디밍제어 전략에 따른 연구소 건물의 하절기 에너지 절감 효과

Kwak, Young-Hoon;Kong, Dong-Seok;Seo, Dong-Hyun;Jang, Cheol-Yong;Huh, Jung-Ho

  • Published : 20110700


The purpose of this paper is focus on the effect of cooling season energy saving potential with blind and dimming control strategies in a research building. In this study the influence of the blind and dimming control strategies in current building condition, such as lighting and cooling system were analyzed. Control variables are blind slat angle, blind status, and dimming control of lighting. Control strategies and energy saving potentials of 11 cases were modeled and estimated using the EnergyPlus with EMS class. During the cooling season, lighting and cooling energy reduction were calculated. The results show that slat angles of 0$^{\circ}$ with blind control(application of EMS) and dimming control is the best in energy performance, lighting and cooling energy consumption are reduced about 4.41% compared to baseline model.



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