A Study on Residents' Attitude of Participation in their Residential Neighborhood Improvement

주거환경 개선을 위한 지역주민의 참여의식 분석

  • 김동근 (서울대학교 BK21 사회기반건설사업단)
  • Published : 2011.06.30


Participation of residents in improvement projects of their neighborhood could enhance not just the efficiency and suitability of the projects but also their community spirits. On the other hand, many participatory projects have been conducted without considering actual participation of residents. This study focused on residents' attitude of participation in their neighborhood improvement and determine primary obstacles to make people to take part in. The data was collected on questionnaires of 407 people at thirteen residential areas in Seoul. According to the survey, only 7.9% of the residents had attended meetings for their community and only half of them would consider to do. The result of HLM (Hierarchical Linear Model) revealed primary influence factors of participation such as residential mobilities, average heights of building in the area and whether they concern about their neighborhood or not among people who own houses. Consequently, it is needed to provide detailed information of their neighborhood, remove obstacles to involve and make progressive system for participation.



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