Performance of the Exhaust Filtration System of Hot Cell at PIEF

조사후시험시설에서의 핫셀 배기포집시스템의 성능평가

  • Hwang, Yong-Hwa (PIE and Radwaste Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 황용화 (한국원자력연구원 조사시험부)
  • Received : 2011.09.15
  • Published : 2011.12.10


Radioactivity of high concentrations have existed in the handling nuclear materials in hot cell of PIEF(Post Irradiation Examination Facility). The exhaust filtration system was enabled to process cylindrical filters by using a manipulator in the hot cell. By establishing a double filtration system with two filters, backup protection against leakage or failure of the first is provided by the second filter. Additionally, this a arrangement is arrange intended to increase the total filtration efficiency. The result of the pressure drop changing in the air flow of the cylindrical and HEPA filters is observed by a curved line. A filtering efficiency of more than 99.99% to $0.3{\mu}m$ particle appears in the upstream and downstream during the efficiency test on the HEPA filters. The V-pleats type had a lower pressure drop than the separator type. There was no damage during usage and was found to be suitable with high capacity of air volume. Therefore, by carrying out performance tests of the exhaust filtration system, efficiency and safety can be achieved.



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