A Study on Origin and Differentiation of Korean Paper Art

한지공예 기법의 원류 고찰과 한지공예의 분화

  • Jeon, Cheol (Dept. of Hanji Culture & Industry, College of Arts & Athletics, Jeonju University)
  • 전철 (전주대학교 예술.체육대학 한지문화산업학과)
  • Received : 2011.01.14
  • Accepted : 2011.11.09
  • Published : 2011.12.30


Jeonji technique was widely used in general Hanji handicraft including Jihwa handicraft. But the technique itself has not been passed on. By contrast, Jiseung technique and Jiho technique have been passed on and continuously developed. And although the Huji technique has not been transmitted, it should be vigorously used as a technique of producing the frame in order to revive the authenticity of traditional Hanji handicraft. Jumchi technique, a method of using water to connect between layers, is an effective technique of diversely expressing the feel of materials of Hanji craftworks. Modern Hanji handicraft has used the characteristics of paper and paperboard diversely produced nowadays as much as possible, which shows that it is more likely to develop as handicraft.



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